Secondly, if you are from the UK, if a party with policies like this came into being, would you vote for them in the general election?
The Common Sense Party - List of Policies
Law & Order
* Change the Police 'service' back to a Police FORCE
* All legislation that protects criminals and affords them dodges and loopholes to be removed or curtailed
* All legislation that causes excessive bureaucracy and paperwork to be dealt with to be removed or curtailed - officers spend too much time filling in forms than catching scum.
* Drop all Diesel Astra's from the squad car lineup - they're slow. Get Police Package Dodge Chargers in V6 or V8 format - they're less than £15,000 and they're far better than the crap that comes from Luton.
* Require all squad cars to be ARMED with a pump action shotgun
* Officers to be given the option of arming themselves with the FN FiveSeven 5.7mm Sidearm - not a mandatory requirement, but recommended.
* Re-open Police stations, make existing ones 24 hour again with at least minimal staffing of 20 - too many incidents go unreported because theres little more than a telephone and a waiting list on the other end.
* More police patrols in all areas - bring back the beat cops
* Build at least two new maximums security prisons in remote areas away from population (Wales, North Scotland)
* All paedophiles to be given mandatory 25 year sentences at MINIMUM
* Allow teachers to discipline children by allowing them to at least shout at pupils who are disruptive or unruly
* Teach desperately needed life skills such as balancing bills, laundry, household maintainance, cooking etc
* Get rid of the examinations for primary school children
* Scrap GCSE's in their current form - include more relevant content, reduce the amount of coursework, concentrate on examinations more.
* Include more technical and scientific subjects at both A-Level and GCSE, make it a REQUIREMENT rather than an option. *Scrap the current AS/A level system, return to the old style of A levels, in which people chose 3 subjects, 4 at maximum to specialise in, rather than making it a requirement they learn 5 subjects in the 1st year and then specialising in only 3 the following year - AS levels on their own are pointless.
* Longer school day - from 9am to 3:45pm, two breaks one from 10:30am to 11am and another from 12:30pm to 1:30pm
* Require schools to provide extra curricular activities on top of regular class work
* Increase salaries for teachers, add 10% on top for inner city weighting
* Remove the requirement for school uniforms
* Remove state funding from faith schools, if you want your kid to go to a christian school, you pay for it, not the taxpayer.
* Restrict University Entrance to 20% of school leavers - too many kids use University as a dodge, and it subsequently devalues the degree.
* Remove University Tuition fee's - state fund university students tuition.
Economic Policy
* Secede from the European Union - far too much of our taxpayers money is being wasted subsidising foreign farming, when we need to be subsidising our own.
* Give british industry incentives to keep service sector workers in the UK and penalise those that insist on offshoring call-centres to fucking india
* Reduce council tax to a percentage of income, graded according to bands.
* Anyone past retirement age pays only a FIXED amount of £10 per month towards council tax. No more OAP's being jailed for not paying their £2000 bill.
* Restructure the income tax system, again, to a percentage of income, graded according to bands,
* Restructure national insurance by making it ONLY for use in paying for the Pension System and the Health Service. Separate it from other governmental income to ensure that it cannot be used to pay for other things.
* Write off all 3rd World Debts
* Re-nationalise ALL rail systems - bring back British Rail & London Underground - no more price gouging from greedy rail firms. Make it a not-for-profit operation.
* Re-nationalise ALL bus companies for all areas of the country. Make it a not-for profit operation.
* No more outsourcing to private construction companies for maintaince and infrastructure. Bring it back in-house.
* Increase the speed limit to 90mph
* Remove all speed camera's except for built up and urban area's, this includes coppers in laybys with gatso guns.
* Restructure the Road Tax system, cap the amount payable to 50% of current prices, remove the emissions banding system and replace it with three engine size bands - 2 litres or less, 2 litres to 3 litres and 3 litres or more. Remove all concessions for Hybrid vehicles as they are NOT environmentally friendly. Add concessions for biofuel capable vehicles of 10% reduction in cost.
* Scrap ANY plans for road-charging
* Re-introduce rolling exemption of classic cars from Road Tax. Instead of the rolling exemption applying to anything over the age of 25 years, make it applicable to everything over 20 years old.
* Drastically reduce the cost of fuel by reducing the duty to 15p per litre, and only charging VAT on the total cost of the fuel, instead of the current system whereby the duty is ALSO charged VAT in addition to the overall cost.
* Create a government controlled insurance department to provide an alternative to overpriced third party insurers - for THIRD PARTY COVER ONLY.
* Repeal the congestion charge in London and prevent the scheme from being adopted in other cities. People have a reason to be driving around in the city centre, they're not just doing it to be annoying.
Health & Safety
* Put them back into the position of an advisory and regulatory body, remove ALL powers of direct intervention. Too much H&S crap goes on these days, its unnecessary and impinges on personal liberties.
* Close our borders and ship back anyone that enters this country illegally. Refuse requests for asylum unless given a solid reason, ie, flight from religious persecution. We want to take this country back from the economic migrants. Those that wish to enter the UK and work must have a valid and worthwhile skill set, no more casual labourers.
Social Security & Benefits
* Restructure the benefits system to give only 8 weeks of unemployment benefit (at a minimum of £80 a week) for those that are unemployed. Those that still have not found work after 8 weeks will have their benefits reduced by 50% and after a further 8 weeks if they still have not found some form of employment will have their social security removed. They may NOT apply again until after they have gained employment and subsequently been made redundant. No more benefit scroungers and layabouts.
* OAP's given priority housing, minimum benefit payment of £120 per week.
* Instead of offering 100% free care, institute a system similar to that of the french, whereby the state contributes to 80% of the cost of the treatment from national insurance, and require people to take out a health insurance policy for the remaining 20% of the cost. This has the benefit of reducing the monetary burden on the NHS and would deter hypochondriacs and time wasters.
* Restructure the working hours of health profession staff to bank in more time off - healthcare is a stressful and demanding profession.
* Increase pay levels to more accurately reflect the value of the staff
* Reduce the amount of bureaucracy and middle management that occurs in hospitals.
* No more outsourcing of cleaning staff - go back to 'in-house' services that can be properly monitored. Many third party cleaning services skimp on cleaning, which consequently leads to outbreaks of e-coli and MRSA superbugs.
* Upgrade of the Trident SLBM missile system
* Institute measures that reduce our dependance on the United States military for nuclear warfare, including the power systems of ballistic missile submarines.
* Bring back national service for school leavers that aren't going to University, but expand it into all government service branches: Military, Police, Medical (Paramedics), Coastguard, Civil.
* Maintain a more hardline stance towards hostile nations. No more negotiations with countries that take our people hostage - like Iran did not long ago. Example being, if they take our people hostage, we take decisive military action, we dont send in diplomats.
* Increase funding, equipment and manpower to units on the ground that desperately need it.
* Drop the SA-80 assault rifle - too many flaws in the design. Replace with the H&K G36 (5.56mm NATO)
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